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About Face International Corporation

"Leading people to a new way of life."

About-Face International Corporation (AFIC) is a non-profit organization that has been going in the community changing people’s lives. We are federally compliant, which means we are a 501c3. The goal is to help people get employed which would lead men and women to play their role in society.  


AFIC is in place to bridge the gap between the government and the working people in America. We are making sure that everyone gets what the pledge of allegiance promises: One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


About Face International Corporation is a non-profit corporation and shall operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as specified in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The specific purpose of About Face International Corporation is to provide previously incarcerated and disabled individuals an opportunity for training and growth, resulting in a second chance in life to become a viable asset to society.


To provide individuals opportunities for a second chance through alliances with practitioners and stakeholders in varying fields such as counseling, workshops, and specialized program assistance focused on job readiness. These partnerships will further aid a positive and lasting transition into the workforce. 


We refer to our clientel as JEWELS. We remind our Jewels, staff, and community of the great value that our "Jewels" are to society. As a reminder to staff and society, the acronym for JEWELS is Just Elevating Wellness, Education & Livelihood into Society.

Jewel Philosophy


Keely Dawkins

"AFIC has worked with my Son, who was diagnosed with a mental illness, and I for over a year. This was my first time dealing with such a life altering event. AFIC and Mr. Willis stepped in to help me learn how to deal with my Son's diagnosis and provided my Son with coping skills. I highly recommend AFIC and Mr. Willis for anyone who is in need of his expertise."

Ms. Anita DeMyers
Former Executive Director, Trinity Community Ministries, Inc

"I have personally witnessed the transformations that happen with formerly incarcerated, homeless men, once they encounter the About Face, Inc., program. Upon entry, many have experienced "rock bottom" and are very broken in spirit. Once men are able to avail themselves of the services offered, many have gone on to lead productive, drug and alcohol free lives based on the principles learned from About Face, Inc."

Hiawatha Hill
Director, CARS Mentoring Program

 "When I asked, Ricke to be our guest speaker he did not hesitate to say yes. He encouraged the boys and emphasized that change starts with your thinking and gave words of motivation to the youth with one of his saying which states: what you don't face, you cannot overcome.
Ricke made a big impact on the boy's lives as a guest speaker and truly connected with the boys by being transparent and relatable."

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